Dear Willow Creek home owners:
Hello! I hope that everyone enjoyed a beautiful summer with family and friends. With fall upon us, I wanted to take a moment and provide you with a bit of a progress update on where we are at.
The past few months have been a very busy time for our newly formed Home Owners Association. In the beginning, there was a significant amount of research involved to sort out the state of affairs our community had been left in by the former developer and the lender, that had taken control more recently. After reopening communications with the MD of Rocky View County, we have been working very hard to ensure that our community is completed and maintained as it was initially envisioned with the funds currently held in trust. I can assure you that after several meetings and discussions we are moving very close to achieving these goals. I can not as of yet give you a definitive time line, however, we will be providing updates as soon as possible regarding these matters.
To date 87% of lot owners have contributed their mandatory HOA fee, with strict efforts underway to collect the remaining outstanding fees. The fees collected are allowing us to begin establishing an operating budget.
Thus far we have:
- Set up and maintained a community webpage to ensure open communication with our homeowners as well as providing a forum for homeowners to get in touch with the HOA.
- Established a design committee, as well as established an approval process for new houses, landscaping and secondary buildings. I would like to thank the design committee for their efforts in ensuring that, as we move forward, all new construction is maintained in accordance with our architectural controls.
- Paid past overdue invoices pertaining to the HOA’s commitments, such as waste collection and legal fees.
- Obtained liability insurance required by the MD of Rocky View County for all common areas and pathways
- Repaired three sections of deteriorating roadways
- Mowed road side ditches and culverts
We will be sending out an updated list of expenses shortly, as well as our projected budget. I also want to encourage any resident with questions to visit our website www.willowcreekhoa.ca , and contact us with any concerns or questions you may have via email at info@willowcreekhoa.ca .
Yours Truly,
Dr. Joel Abougoush
President of the WC HOA